
Gratifaction? You're right, of course. Gratifaction is not a real word. It should be. It may be the best noun to use when answering the question, "So, do you enjoy your time in Honduras?"

Enjoy? Well, yes. The children are fun, engaging, polite, enjoyable. The food is lovingly prepared, delicious, nutritious, enjoyable. Traveling to a different culture can be adventurous, educational, enjoyable. Team fellowship is uplifting, supportive, enjoyable.

But an honest answer to the "Is it fun?" question must consider other realities. Such as: learning the horrific backgrounds that led these children to be at Open Door Ministries. Seeing the conditions, the children, and moms at the hospital and the feeding stations. Wearing damp shirts throughout the day. Sore muscles. Changing plans on the fly. Feeling that you could've done more to help with more time.

Gratifaction is better. Gratifaction is a blend of gratitude + satisfaction, and it may be the simplest explanation why some team members want to return on this mission trip, sometimes repeatedly. Gratitude and appreciation for our own loving, accepting families, comfortable and sanitary homes, (too) many material blessings, and the security of knowing we have a God who will always care for us even if/when we don't have all that. Satisfaction from helping those who don't have those families, homes, or material things we have--but are  learning about the God we have in common! Satisfaction from building and repairing, visiting, feeding, and clothing some of "the least" (as Jesus referred to them), and sharing time with children who need contact with adults they can learn to trust.

There may be better descriptive words for what we're doing here. But, "It's a very gratifactory experience!" works pretty well as an answer.


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