Much in Common

Communication challenges exist everywhere, and they abound for us in Honduras. We have so little Spanish. They have so little English. Fortunately, there are folks like Penny, and infrequent visitor Rodney, who will speed up the process by translating any conversation that requires more than Good morning or How are you? And we do need to have those more complicated conversations when working together with the Hondurans. No doubt they politely stifle their laughter when we try to pronounce their names or repeat certain words. We politely do the same when they try to say wheelbarrow or other semi-technical words. Or else we all smile together.

Somehow it works out. Team members are able to help children and adults with medication, food, and clothing at feeding stations. Honduran laborers and Americans work side by side to finish what had to get done in the trenches for septic system improvements. Children draw pictures for us to express what they can't say in words. Hugs help too, and they abound.

Last night's party built on what we all have in common. About 35 children were gathered to watch the skit produced by Bonnie, directed by Natalie and Donna, starring Matt as David and Mike as Goliath, and featuring Ron S. as King Saul and hordes of uncredited Israelite and Philistine soldiers. The story was read in both English (by Natalie) and Spanish (by ODM worship leader Roberto). The children edged back a bit when fearsome Goliath appeared, they cheered heroic David, and applauded the victorious conclusion. Afterwards the team helped the children with crafts and sent them on their way with small gifts.

We share so much in common, ranging from needing the Lord's help in overcoming giant problems down to delighting in the glow sticks and sunglasses given away. And just to clarify, it was not only the Hondurans who delighted in the leftover sunglasses.

On to day seven of noting the differences and delighting in commonality.


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