
Our team arrived back to St. Louis a bit late last night, but safely. It was a wonderful week, so let's roll the credits...

Team members Angie, Becky, Dan, Darlene, Donna, Doris, Jim, Kelley, Matt, Marsha, Marta, Mike, Natalie, Ralph, Ron, Ron, Shanna, Sue, Tom. Different skills, backgrounds, ages, personalities. Different routes to get onto the team. One mission.

Director Gotta repeat Marsha's name again for being our ace organizer and leader. Preparing for this trip is a year-long process.

Support crew Special shout out to Bonnie and Lori, who are hereby named honorary team members. And to our designated prayer partners. (Thanks, Julie!) And too many others to name back home who gave support emotionally, prayerfully, and/or financially.

Transportation Rico and Reuben, the Honduran van drivers who steered us through many dangers, toils, and snares on the road.

Producer Pastor Jeremy, who's responsible for initiating these trips through St. John's Lutheran Church.

Hospitality Barry and Penny Compton, the founders of Ministerios Puerta Abierta, who host and deal with our mission teams with care, grace, and patience.

Gracias y bendiciones!


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